Wi-Fi Bands 

Dual-band Wi-Fi routers, like the Nokia Gateway included with your Connexion service, broadcast two distinct Wi-Fi bands simultaneously. Please note that neither Wi-Fi band will be capable of Gig speeds during a speed test.  

5GHz Wi-Fi band  

This is a powerful signal that can produce high-speed wireless connections.  Devices newer than 2012 will generally connect to this Wi-Fi band, but this will be determined on a device-to-device basis. A Gig capable device with a clear line of sight to the router should see speed test results from 100Mbps-650Mbps.

2.4GHz Wi-Fi band

A slower but far reaching wireless connection when compared to its 5GHz counterpart. Older devices, Internet of Things (IoT), or wireless printers are often 2.4GHz exclusive. Please check the product specifications to verify. A device with a clear line of sight to the router can expect to see speed test results ranging from 20-100Mbps.

Conducting a Speed Test  

Follow these instructions to conduct a speed test with the most accurate results. 

Wi-Fi Speed Test 

  1. Connect to your Connexion Wi-Fi network (check device settings to determine 2.4 or 5GHz band) 
  2. If using a computer, download the speed test desktop app here; download the "Speedtest by Ookla" app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store if testing by phone. (Using the web browser test or using a different testing service will produce less accurate speed test results.)
  3. Stand with a clear line of sight to the router while performing the test for best results. Ensure the speed test server says Fort Collins Connexion. 
  4. Press the "GO" button to begin the test

Understanding Speed Test Results

While it's natural to experiment with speed tests after getting your Gigabit service, understanding these results will improve your Connexion experience. Your gigabit service can be compared to drinking through a firehose, as there are very few applications that currently require that amount of bandwidth, so don't get discouraged by "slower speeds." 

The following demonstrates how much a Gig of the internet is capable of handling. Because the 1000Mbps is so much greater than most current online services' requirements, it is essential not to rely too heavily on speed test results for determining performance.  

For example, a device getting 60Mbps on the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi band will be more than capable of streaming HDTV despite the speed test being far lower than what one might expect on a Gigabit network. Likewise, a device getting a fast speed test (150Mbps+)  might experience buffering issues because of network interference. Ensure that you correlate performance issues with speed tests rather than running the speed test to search for performance issues.  


Most devices are incapable of reaching Gigabit speeds using a Wi-Fi connection.  If you are attempting to test the full 1Gbps+ speed of your Connexion service, please conduct a wired speed test.